Salem Witch House, 310 1/2 Essex Street, Salem, MA
Saturday, April 27, 2019, 7:00 pm
Suggested Donation: $15
This concert of music draws attention to the plight of those innocents lost in the “witch hunt” and hysteria that arose in the village of Salem in the 1690s. Such scares and expunging of undesirables who threatened the status quo were nothing new, having been common in Europe from as early as the 1300s. In fact, such events continue to plague our world from genocide in third world countries to the emerging frequency of hate crimes in America. Have we learned nothing from the past? This program is an opportunity as we sit in what was the home of one of the judges in the witch trials 1) to reflect on the history of the hundreds of persons damaged by the Salem witch hunts and the 24 innocent people who were put to death for alleged participation in dark magic and 2) to renew our determination that such crimes against citizens of a society never again happen.
Special note: seating on wooden benches (authentic to the period). Arrive early to guarantee a seat!