After playing together for several years throughout coastal Massachusetts, the musical friends known as the Essex Piano Trio (EPT) formalized their working relationship in 2017 and adopted the signature “Conversation among Friends” concert format, a descriptive title borrowed from American biographer Catherine Bowen. The trio’s primary goal has been to grow as musicians while making the best music possible to share with its audiences.
All from Essex County communities along the North Shore, violinist Ashley Offret of Salem, cellist David Cabral of Lynn, and pianist Beverly Soll of Rockport believe that their “Conversation among Friends” approach reflects their relationship to the music and to each other. As David has observed, “Making serious chamber music can be very difficult, and it is a challenge to find partners who mesh well personally and artistically. When people see us perform, they see not only our ability but also our passion for music and our great affection for each other, all of which enhance our performances.”